The founder & Chief Executive of Digital Labs & Networks (D-LAN), visualize a platform as an End to End Technology Solution provider. A platform, irrespective of brands, understands the requirement of all market verticals, map the best of the breed technologies and coupled it with services from right resource. A platform must own the customer business and never lose its association.
Continuous process is on, in D-LAN for its transformation into the vision of its owner with team of 35 technical resources across different regions. Prior to D-LAN, Ghulam Distgir associated with TISSOL as a business partner for 3 years. He was responsible for TISSOL’s overall operating performance with particular focus on the company’s northern region business development and execution of IT projects on turnkey basis.
Today DLAN has broad-based experience in national and international projects management, Dastgir has successfully managed other complex and large- scale operations throughout the country for law enforcement organization, Ministry of IT & ST NWFP, Ministry of Education Azad Kashmir, TEVTA Govt. & Semi Govt. organizations and lot more in the private sector.
Dastgir is now based at regional corporate headquarters of Digital Labs & Networks in Dubai, UAE. He holds a master’s degree in Leadership & Management from York St. John University, UK and MBA (MIS & FIN) from Hamdard University, Karachi and a bachelor’s degree in commerce from University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. He has also attended number of management courses & technical workshops conducted by IBM, Intel Corporation, Samsung, IBM, Microsoft ,CISCO Networks Inc. SMEDA, PIM, PMI, CIMA Global and member of International Association of Outsourcing Professionals.