Digital Labs & Networks (D-LAN), incorporated in 2002 and since then providing an end to end Technology Solutions to its multidimensional customers.
Considering the global business opportunities and highly competitive environment, we are now operational in Dubai, UAE. Digital Labs & Networks L.L.C, domain expertise in network technologies, security & surveillance solutions, storage and back up consolidation with system integration provides unique opportunity to its clients to get a one Window Solution for its various core requirements. Our certified and experienced Software Work Bench in development, customization and infrastructure establishment in IBM, Oracle and Microsoft Technologies is equally available to ensure System Integration where required.
We do understand the importance of competitive HR in organization and our Certified Trainer are always there to ensure hands on training to various employees at client premises. Presently our consultants have geographical spread in Pakistan, UAE, UK, North Africa and USA with presence in Healthcare, Educational, Public and Corporate Sector for various projects.
D-LAN has a successful journey of IT infrastructure projects with a commanding track record in delivering turnkey IT solutions for businesses in wide-ranging sectors to meet challenges of Data & Cloud Infrastructure, Mobility, and Business Process Management, Outsource & Managed Services by a team of industry experts & professionals. Our Dynamic Digital Team (DDT)® has decades of experience & qualification for these critical technologies.